Sunday, December 31, 2006

Christmas Giving by Cheryl Parvin

Christmas is for giving, like Christmas gifts and cards.
And giving smiles and hugs, and giving help with things too hard.
Why is there so much giving? Is it just for fun?
We give gifts of love because God gave to us his son.

That sums up why I love to give gifts to my family.
It was such a joy this year to give our sweet four oldest granddaughters their own lap top computer. We hope to read lots of news as they work on their blogs this year. To make sure the two little girls were not left out we gave them a Leapster TV game system to enjoy with a Kindergarten game to interact with. Rachel and Perry IV will be sharing a Little Leaps Grow with me Learning System. Since we could not be with them to see their delight in opening their gifts their dad has preserved it on a movie that we can't wait to see. To make sure the girls could get online we sent Kim a router to make their house wireless and Perry a Bluetooth headset so he can talk hands free while he makes the hour commute each way to work and back.
Our son Benjamin was here for Christmas and he and Thomas and Abigail helped me shop til I dropped on the day before Christmas Eve and then we had a nice quiet day on Christmas eve and ended it attending the fourth Advent Service at Dr. George Grant's Parish Presbyterian Church in Franklin. Dr. Grant made the message of Christmas so alive while he preached and we could not help be excited to celebrate the most wonderful gift ever given to mankind, the birth of our Savior.

Why is there so much giving? Is it just for fun?
We give gifts of love, because God gave to us his Son.

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