Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Blogger Nighmare

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the new version of blogger. Well, last night I was typing away and when I took a break and came back to type some more it asked me if I wanted to switch to the new version of blogger. I clicked yes and my husband's gmail account came up and asked for his password which I promptly gave and clicked enter. It was only then I realized I was signing up with his email and not my own. I tried to stop it and I tried to change it after it went through but no way would it change. I tried to look up how I could email the site to ask them to change it and could not find a way to do so, finally I gave up and turned off the computer. Tonight I was able with Kim's help to add myself as the administrator of my blog site but I cannot find a way to delete him as administrator. I just want myself listed as the one on my blog site. If anyone knows a way to do so please post a reply to help me.

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