Sunday, January 14, 2007

Random News

Revised Feb. 25th

January was a busy month. We put away Christmas decorations, cleaned the preschools and jumped into a new year. The theme in January is always snow, we haven't been getting any outside so we decorated with snow all over the insides of our two schools. The kids made paper doily snowmen, paper plate snowmen, had snow ball fights with paper snowballs, and painted snow scenes with chalk. The weather just wasn't cooperating with temperatures in the 70's but we imagined it to be cold enough for snow. Well we probably wished a little too much as it got cold the third week of January and stayed cold for a month. We actually got two snow days in the first three weeks of February. It did wait until the day after Valentine to give us our second snow day and the kids were sooo happy.
It was great because we had planned a birthday party for Abigail our youngest daughter at Pump It Up in Cool Springs on that day, and by 9 am the roads were cleared. We had a fun afternoon with her friends from school helping her to celebrate her big day (it was really on Valentine but with all the Valentine activities we celebrated the day after). I'll try to post some pictures of Byson (our 9th grandchild) enjoying the big slide with his mom.

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