Sunday, June 10, 2007

Getting Ready For The Trip Across The Pond

Our son Thomas has been across the pond for the last 14 days. Lord willing he will be home tomorrow. His flight left London tonight and so he is flying across the ocean as I type. Each year the seniors at his high school Franklin Classical take a trip after graduation to England. This year he and his friend David wanted to back pack across Europe after everyone else came home. Well, to say the least that didn't happen but a dear friend who chaperoned the kids volunteered to take Thomas and David to Scotland for four extra days after everyone else left. He has over 1000 pictures and we can't wait to see them when he gets here. They toured lots of cathedrals and saw the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace, visited the bookstores and I don't know what else they did. Hopefully I will be able to update tomorrow night and fill in the blanks on what all he did.

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